Friday, April 24, 2009

A Biome is a large geographical area of distictive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment.

TAIGA-Okay-you probably know forests and coldness, and the taiga is just that. It has many food shortages.The plants there have
adaptations for staying in the cold such as the pines which have needle-like
leaves to let the water drip off so the trees don't freeze. That is why those
trees are called ''evergreens''. It's because they don't shed leaves. These
trees in the taiga include:

  • Balsam Fir

  • Jack Pine

  • Siberian Spruce

The animals in the taiga include:

  • American Back Bear

  • Gray Wolf

  • Snowshoe Rabbit

  • Long-Eared Owl

  • Red Fox

These animals adapt by having thick fur in this cold climate.They also might ( like the snowshoe rabbit) change from rusty-brown in the summer to white in winter.

The temperature range for the taiga is:

Summer- 30 F-70F

Winter- 30F to -65F

The average rainfall in the taiga is annually 12-33 inches and most of it falls in summer and is mostly rain.

Taiga Food Chain:

Grass---Snowshoe Rabbit---Bobcat---Bald Eagle

TUNDRA-A freezing and cold place with many adapted organisms. It's a frozen plain. It's plants and animals are adapted to it's coldness. For example, the Artic Moss has tiny roots instead of long ones so that it can not freeze as easily. There are, though, barely trees and mostly mosses. The plants grow very slowly because of the harsh coldness. Some of these artic plants include:

  • Artic Willow

  • Bearberry

  • Labrador Tea

The animals include:

  • Caribou

  • Polar Bear

  • Snowy Owl

  • Artic Fox

  • Musk Ox

These animals survive the freezing tundra by almost all having white fur to blend in with the winter snow. Most of them hibernate in the winter. About all of the animals there have a thick coat of fur to keep them warm.

The temperature ranges in the tundra are:

Summer: 50F(average)

Winter: -10Fto-20F

The tundra is classified in the Koppen E category, which means that it is an ice climate.There are only 6-10 inches of rain each year-including melted snow. The sun only lasts 6-10 weeks in the artic tundra-not your usual summer...

Tundra food chain:

Algae---Fish---Artic Fox---Snowy Owl

SAVANNA-The savanna is a rolling grassland with a few scattered trees and shrubs.Those trees and shrubs have adaptations to the warm climate. Some of these adaptations include the River Bushwillow growing near rivers and streams. Some other plants in the savanna include:

  • Bermuda Grass

  • Gum Tree Eucalyptus

  • Manketti Tree

The animals in the savanna include:

  • African Elephant

  • Emu

  • Grant's Zebra

  • Koala Bear

  • Lion

These animals have adaptations to survive. For example, Grant's Zebras form a circle to confuse the lion, the predator. Also, the African Elephant uses it's big ears to use as a fan to cool itself off and uses it's long trunk to get water. Also, animals migrate to wetter places in the dry winter.

The temperature range in the savanna is:

Winter: 68F-78F


The savanna is classified in a Koppen Aw category, which means a tropical climate and dry climate in the winter. the rainfall is annually 10-30 inches.

Savanna food chain:

Gum Tree Eucalyptus---Koala Bear---African Wild Dog---Humans

TROPICAL RAINFOREST-A biome of tall trees, humid air, and warmth year-round. It is bustling with life.The organisms there are adapted to the rainforest. Some plants, such as the Durian, adapt by having a strong odor which attracts it's pricipal pollinator, a Dawn Bat. Some more of these plants in the rainforest are:

  • Bengal Bamboo

  • Coconut Tree

  • Mangrove Forests

Some of the animals in the rainforest include:

  • Bengal Tiger

  • Chimpanzee

  • Linn's Sloth

  • Orangutan

  • Toco Toucan

These animals adapt to the warm, tropical rainforest by, say, the King Cobra having venom for killing prey. All kinds of those animals have different adaptations for their ways of life.

Temperature ranges in the tropics include

Winter: (as low as)68F

Summer: (as high as)93F

The average rainfall in the tropics are 50 to 260 inches per year. It's in the Koppen's Af category, which means it's a tropical forest climate. It's hot, humid, and sunny all year.

Rainforest food chain:

Durian---Monkeys---Harpy Eagle & Leopard

DESERTS-The biome you probably know is hot and dry. Yup-you've got it. The deserts can be hot or cold, but still very dry. Plants and animals have to have the right adaptations to live there. Some of the adaptions of a plant in the desert are to have, like the cactus, little flower buds to keep the water it gets, or also to have one long, vertical root for getting water deep in the ground. Here are some of the plants from the desert:

  • Barrel Cactus

  • Joshua Tree

  • Desert Ironwood

Some animals in this biome include:

  • Armadillo Lizard

  • Coyote

  • Javelina

  • Desert Kangaroo Rat

  • Banded Gila monster

The adaptations might be, for these animals, to stay underground in the day and get out at night when it's a bit cooler. Some of them are cold-blooded, which will help them change temperature in their body to whatever they want.

The temperature range:

Winter: (as low as) 8F

Summer: (as high as) 119F

The desert is classified in Koppen's BWh- which basically means it's hot and dry.Only about 1 inch of rainfall falls each year.

Desert Food Chain:

Leaves---Desert Kangaroo Rat---Coyote---Mountain Lion

DECIDUOUS FORESTS-Basically a forest with many tall trees. How do all of these plants adapt to their environment and flourish? Well, some, such as the Lady Fern, have small leaves to hold in more water. The trees might try to grow tall to reach sunlight. Some plants in the deciduous forests include:

  • American Beech

  • Pecan

  • White Oak

The animals are:

  • American Bald Eagle

  • American Black Bear

  • Eastern Chipmunk

  • European Red Squirrel

  • White-tailed Deer

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog with lots of interesting facts about all of our biomes.
